Settlement procedure
using the GOLDAO infrastructure and issue coins
Importer's registration country
Currency of the importer
Importer will send it in their local currency
Country of exporter's registration
Exporter's currency
Exporter will receive in his currency
Step 1: Receipt by the importer of warehouse receipts in GTD format for coins issued in the country of its registration
Importer closes a coin purchase and sale agreement with GOLDAO in his country, makes an advance payment in his currency and receives receipts in the GTD format of his country
Importer sent
Warehouse receipt in GTD format
/ undefined
Step 2: Receipt by the importer of warehouse receipts in GTD-format for coins issued in the exporter's registration country
Importer closes a commodity exchange agreement with GOLDAO in the exporter's country and exchanges GTD-receipts of his country to GTD-receipts of the exporter's country
Importer sends GOLDAO warehouse receipts in GTD format
Importer receives GTD-receipts of exporters registration country
/ undefined
Step 3: Settlement under the import-export contract between the importer and the exporter using GOLDAO
Importer sends warehouse receipts in GTD format to the exporter as a mutual settlement under the import-export contract; the importer and the exporter sign an agreement on the offset of mutual homogeneous obligations
Importer sends
Exporter receives
on request
Step 4: Exporter receives funds in his currency in exchange for warehouse receipts in GTD-format received from the importer
Exporter closes a coin buyback agreement with GOLDAO in his country, transfers receipts in GTD format received from the importer, and receives money in his local currency
Exporter sends GOLDAO warehouse receipts in GTD format
/ undefined
Exporter receives money in his local currency
/ undefined

Overview of the import-export contract's settlements

The buyer company paid the seller company for goods or services under the supply contract using issue coins

/ undefined
Importer will send it in their local currency
/ undefined
Exporter will receive in his currency
Exchange rate
Exchange rate including GOLDAO fees
Get detailed information about mutual settlements using the GOLDAO infrastructure and issued coins